Pizza Pronto
- Preparation and cooking time
- Prep:
- Cook:
- Easy
- Serves 2
Skip to ingredients
- Ready made pizza base (either fresh from the pizza fridge at the supermarket or boxed from the shelf)
- Fiery chilli pesto
- Fresh green and red chillies, sliced (optional)
- Mature grated cheese
- Pepperoni slices
- Fresh basil, chopped
- Mozzarella, sliced
step 1
Smother the pizza base in fiery chilli pesto and cover with grated cheesestep 2
Add the sliced chillies and basil and cover with more grated cheesestep 3
Cover with pepperoni slices and top with the sliced mozzarellastep 4
Cook in a pre-heated oven at 180C for 12-15 minutes (or follow the cooking instructions for the pizza base)