

  • 4 Chicken Breasts
  • 1 Lime
  • 5 tbsp Garam Masala
  • 3 tbsp Paprika
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 300ml of plain yoghurt
  • 8 Cloves of Garlic - Crushed
  • 1 finger of ginger - grated
  • 2 Red Peppers - Chopped
  • 1 Onion - Sliced
  • 6 Shallots - diced
  • 1 tsp Chilli Powder
  • 100ml Water
  • Hand full of fresh coriander - Chop the leaves but keep the stalks
  • 690ml Jar of Passata
  • 50g Creamed Coconut (Patak's does this as a pack of 4 sachets sold at Tescos)


  • STEP 1
    Cut the chicken into large chunks and place in a large bowl. squeeze the lime over the chicken then add 2 tbsp of Garam Masala, 2 tbsp of Paprika and half a tsp of salt. Rub the spices into the chicken then set a side for an hour.
  • STEP 2
    In a blender add the plain yoghurt, half the garlic, half the ginger, 1 tbsp of Garam Masala and 1 tbsp of paprika. Blend so all ingredient are mixed well.
  • STEP 3
    Add the onions and peppers to the spice covered chicken then pour the yoghurt mixture over making sure everything is coated. Leave this to marinate for at least 6 hours.
  • STEP 4
    Place the marinated chicken, onions and peppers in an oven dish and spread the content out. Place in the oven at 220 degree c for 30 minutes.
  • STEP 5
    Melt the Ghee in a large saucepan then soften the shallots. Add the remaining garlic, salt and ginger, the coriander stalks, 2 tbsp of Garam Masala; and the chilli powder.
  • STEP 6
    Continue to fry the spices for a couple more minutes before adding the water and mix into a paste. Pour in the Passata and bring to the boil. Once boiled turn the heat down and let simmer for 20 minutes.
  • STEP 7
    Add the Coconut to the sauce and mix in. With a hand held blender, blend the sauce until it is smooth. You may have to add a little water if the sauce is too thick.
  • STEP 8
    Remove the Chicken, Onions and Peppers from the oven and add to the sauce. Mix in half the chopped coriander.
  • STEP 9
    Serve with rice and naan bread. Sprinkle the remaining coriander as garnish.

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