Cucumber & blue cheese canapés
Top pieces of cucumber and blue cheese with grapes and pomegranates for these party nibbles and you'll have two takes on a healthy, low-calorie snack
Nutrition: Per salmon cocktail egg (12)
Boil the eggs for 7 mins, drain and put into iced water to cool. Carefully remove the shells, then cut in half lengthways. Scoop the yolks into a bowl and mash with the yogurt, mustard and parsley. Spoon the mixture back into the eggs.
For the salmon eggs, top each with a strip of salmon and snip over some fresh dill.
For the chorizo version, fry the chorizo gently in a non-stick pan until the oil runs out and the chorizo is crisp. Scatter over the eggs when cool. Keep chilled until ready to serve. Will keep in the fridge for up to one day.