Shortcrust pastry recipes
Showing 1 to 24 of 43 results
Homemade cherry pie
Make this classic pie whilst cherries are in season. It's the perfect summer dessert served just warm with plenty of cream or ice cream
Easy cheese & onion pie
Tuck into this simple, comforting vegetarian pie with a classic cheese and onion filling. Eat it warm with your favourite veg sides, or serve cold for a picnic
Next level turkey & ham pie
Use up the Christmas leftovers to make this hearty, deep-filled turkey and ham pie. You could use shop-bought pastry but nothing beats homemade
App onlyCheese & piccalilli tart. This is a premium piece of content available to registered users.
Imagine crisp pastry, a delicious layer of piccalilli and a soft cheesy filling – this tart has all those things. It's perfect for lunch, dinner or picnics
Air-fryer mince pies
Save energy and effort and make these mince pies with the help of an air fryer. Keep replenishing your cake tin with a batch over the festive period
App onlyLeek & comte quiche. This is a premium piece of content available to registered users.
Serve quiche at your next get-together. Quiche is a classic retro favourite – and this one is packed with rich comté and aromatic thyme
Fig, raspberry & cardamom pie
An unusual fruit filling, complemented by Middle-Eastern flavours of rosewater and cardamom, makes for an impressive dinner party dessert
Next level bakewell tart
Serve for dessert or as an afternoon tea, the bakewell tart is a baking classic. We've upped the ante to make the crumbliest pastry and fabulous frangipane
Plum & marzipan pie
Top this deep pink pie filling with a lattice crust made of buttery sweet shortcrust pastry for a showstopping end to a special meal
BLT tart
Layer up prosciutto, cheddar and cherry tomatoes on shortcrust pastry for a lovely light meal that's delicious hot, warm or cold
Peach pie
Be sure to leave this pretty peach pie with latticed pastry topping to cool for an hour after baking – this step is essential to ensure a good texture
Easy pesto, cheese & pea tart
Avoid food waste and rustle up this quiche-like tart as a great way to use up the end of that jar of pesto you have in the fridge
Homemade apple pie
Try our classic Bramley apple pie with homemade shortcrust pastry. Simplicity is key to this traditional dish which makes for a comforting family pudding.
App onlyChard, feta & sesame pie with olive oil pastry. This is a premium piece of content available to registered users.
Marry nutty olive oil pastry with the flavour of soft, tangy feta in this pie. The chard can be swapped for spinach or spring greens, too
App onlyCaramelised onion, squash & gruyère tart. This is a premium piece of content available to registered users.
Take time caramelising the onions in this dish – cooked slowly for about 20 minutes, they’ll soften and become jammy and sweet. They’re the star of this tart
Easy apple pie
Kids will love to help make and eat this comforting, classic fruity pudding with homemade shortcrust pastry
Pecan pie
Make this traditional all-American Thanksgiving dessert for a celebratory dinner party. Our classic pecan pie recipe is best served with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream
Smoked trout tartlets
Rustle up these smoked trout tartlets with lemon and horseradish flavours for afternoon tea. Made from ready-rolled pastry, they're quick and easy to make
Caribbean beef patties
Spice up beef mince with turmeric, thyme and hot pepper sauce before folding in shortcrust pastry for a tasty dinner or lunch
Next-level mince pies
Convert mince pie sceptics with our recipe for juicy, zesty mincemeat wrapped in pastry that’s extra-biscuity and rich thanks to a surprise ingredient
Rustic strawberry tart
Try making your own shortcrust pastry with crunchy semolina. Top with juicy fruit and pinch the pastry round the edges to create a rustic finish
Marmalade & earl grey frangipane tart
Elevate this Bakewell-inspired tart with the addition of zesty, tangy marmalade and fragrant earl grey tea leaves. Enjoy hot or cold with plenty of cream
App onlyBeef, red wine & potato pie. This is a premium piece of content available to registered users.
Turn a comforting stew into a show-off pie. With a homemade pastry crust and filling packed with chunks of meltingly tender beef, it's sure to impress guests
Cheat’s Manchester tart
Save time by using ready-made pastry and custard powder for this easy Manchester tart – it still has all the lovely flavours of this classic northern dessert