Slow Cooked Orange Veg & Lentil Soup
- Preparation and cooking time
- Prep:
- Cook:
- 4 hours on HIGH setting, 7 hours on LOW setting.
- Easy
- Serves 8
Skip to ingredients
- Butternut Squash
- Sweet Potato
- Carrot
- Red Lentils
- Chicken Stock
- Curry Powder/Paste
- Coconut Milk
step 1
The amount of each of the ingredients can be varied according to taste and how many servings you want to make. I usually use 1 squash, 2 sweet potatoes, 3 grated carrots, 500g of lentils, two good quality chicken stocks, 2tbsp of curry paste/powder and a whole tin of coconut milk. Makes around 8 servings.step 2
Cut and prep all veg, put in the slow cooker along with lentils.step 3
Make stock, pour into the slow cooker along with coconut milk.step 4