Paella of Martin and Alexis
- Preparation and cooking time
- Prep:
- Cook:
- More effort
- Makes For 6 peoples
- Rice
- Chorizo
- Chicken
- Vegetables
Sea Fruits
- Rice
- Chorizo
- Chicken
- Vegetables
- Mussels
- Prawns
- Squids
- STEP 1We cook the yellow rice and drain it in a sieve.
- STEP 2We cut the chorizo into small pieces with a knive and we put the chicken in the oven.`
- STEP 3We take the chicken out of the oven and cut it into small pieces and mix with the chorizo with wooden spoon and rice with a whisk.
- STEP 4Put the vegetables in the colander.
- STEP 5And finally we add the mussels, prawns and squids to the rice in the prying pan.