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The condition of your hair can indicate how healthy you are in general. Let’s take a look at what hair is, how it grows and what can help optimise its condition.

Next, discover what foods are good for your skin, how to sleep better and how to increase serotonin.

How does my hair grow?

In order to help your hair look its best, it’s useful to understand what it needs to grow well. Each hair is attached to the scalp via a shaft or opening known as a follicle. There are between 80,000 and 120,000 hair follicles on the human scalp. Each follicle grows a hair for an average of 1000 days (three years) and then rests for a period of around 100 days (three months) before being shed, following which a new hair begins to grow. This pattern of active growth, followed by rest, varies significantly from person to person and is influenced by our age, diet and our state of health.

What is hair made of?

Hair is primarily made of a protein called keratin, which also makes nails and forms the outer protective layer of skin.

Each hair consists of three layers:

1. The cuticle - the outer layer, thin and colourless acts as the protective layer.

2. The cortex - contains melanin, which is responsible for the colour of your hair.

3. The medulla - the innermost layer which reflects light and gives the appearance of shine.

Whether your hair is straight or curly depends on the shape of the cortex. On average, blondes have more hair and redheads have the least.

A woman brushing her hair

How can I make my hair grow?

The length of hair you are able to grow is controlled by the duration of the growing phase, which varies between individuals. We all lose some hair naturally each day when we brush, comb or wash it. However, as long as new hairs are being produced at the same rate as those falling out, there will be no difference in hair volume unless the rate of shedding exceeds production - the net result will then be hair loss or thinning. On average your hair will grow at a rate of 0.35mm per day or 15cm over the year.

When should I worry about hair loss?

We shed hair every day as part of our body's natural process. Hair loss can happen at any time of life and for a number of reasons. When hair loss becomes a concern, it’s important to determine the cause before seeking treatment.

A variety of factors can alter the hair growth cycle and cause temporary or permanent hair loss – these include medication, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals and toxins such as nicotine, hormonal factors, thyroid disease, stress and nutritional factors.

What are some common causes of hair loss?

These include:

  • Age - as we grow older, there is a tendency for our hair fibres to become finer and shorter and we may experience hair loss. It is normal for women to experience changes to their hair post pregnancy and as they enter the menopause.
  • Genetic hair loss is the most common hair-related problem affecting men and women. The onset is usually during the mid to late 50s and often unavoidable. Women experiencing baldness may want to consult a medical professional.
  • Repeatedly losing and regaining weight may take its toll on your hair, causing it to become brittle. Crash diets are often short in essential vitamins and minerals and over long periods of time this type of dieting will reflect in your hair.
  • Hormonal imbalances including thyroid dysfunction can produce significant changes to hair growth and quality. Thyroid function can only be assessed by a blood test. If you are experiencing considerable hair loss, consult your GP for advice and guidance.
A woman washing her hair

How often should I wash my hair?

The frequency of hair washing is down to individual preference and may be influenced by the length of your hair, hair type (fine needs more regular washing than thick), age, sex and budget. However, despite common belief you do not need to wash your hair daily, although frequent washing (5-6 times per week) with a well-formulated shampoo will not damage your hair – evidence actually suggests it may even help fragile hair.

How to stimulate hair growth

There is no magic formula to promote hair growth but a combination of steps may help, these include:

  • Eat a healthy, nutrient-dense diet
  • Limit treatments including dyes and using heat-styling tools
  • Use a silk pillowcase to prevent tangling over night
  • Try caffeine-based hair products, such as shampoo
  • If you are on medication discuss your regime with your GP and whether any of these may be impacting the condition of your hair
  • If your budget allows consider platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment
  • Discuss Minoxidil (Rogaine) with your GP, although be prepared for this to take 6-12months
  • For a more natural approach, apply rosemary oil to the scalp - one study of 100 participants compared rosemary oil to minoxidil (an over-the-counter treatment for hair loss) and found both products led to similar results after six months. The mechanism by which rosemary oil works is not fully understood but a possible explanation is that it increases blood flow to the hair follicles, strengthening the hair and as a result reducing damage and breakage
  • Consider trialling a red-light hair re-growth mask

Which nutrients are important for hair?

Make sure you are eating a varied, balanced diet, with adequate protein, as well as vitamins and minerals to supply your hair with all that it needs to remain shiny, lustrous and strong. Here are the main nutrients to include:


As hair is made of protein, ensuring you have adequate protein foods in your diet is crucial for making hair strong and healthy. If you are not consuming enough protein, your hair is likely to become dry, brittle and weak. Extremely low protein diets may result in restricted hair growth and even hair loss. Collagen is the main structural protein of hair, and may help strengthen the hair shaft and prevent breakage.

Choose chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products and eggs along with vegetarian sources such as legumes and nuts.

10 high-protein foods
10 best vegan protein sources


Iron is an especially important mineral for hair and too little is a major cause of hair loss. The hair follicle and root are fed by a nutrient-rich blood supply. When iron stores (serum ferritin) fall below a certain point, you may experience anaemia. This disrupts the nutrient supply to the follicle, affecting the hair growth cycle and results in shedding.

Animal foods such as red meat, chicken and fish provide iron with a high bioavailability, meaning the iron is readily available to the body. Vegetarians can increase their iron stores by including lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and salad greens.

Discover more iron-rich foods and recipes:

Iron-rich foods for vegetarians
Iron-rich vegetarian recipes

Zinc and selenium

Scalp protection involves other important minerals, notably zinc and selenium. A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss and a dry, flaky scalp, whereas selenium works as an antioxidant helping to protect against the effects of aging.

Fortified cereals and wholegrains are a good source of zinc along with beef and eggs. Selenium is found in cereals, nuts especially Brazil nuts, eggs and mushrooms


Omega-3 fatty acids are important fats our body cannot make itself, and therefore must be obtained through our diet. Omega-3s are found in the cells that line the scalp and also provide the oils that help to keep your scalp and hair hydrated.

Include oily fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, trout and mackerel and plant sources like pumpkin and chia seeds and walnuts.

Read the top 10 sources of omega-3.

A woman lying down with her hair laid out and lemons and berries on top

Can vitamins help with hair growth?

Supplements are commonly used in an attempt to manage conditions like hair loss, however, the evidence is conflicting. Although vitamins and minerals play a vital role in normal hair growth cycle, it is important to understand which nutrients may be helpful.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays an important role in both hair and skin. It’s needed by the body to produce sebum, the oily substance that is created by our hair’s sebaceous glands and provides a natural conditioner for a healthy scalp. Without sebum we may experience an itchy scalp and dry hair. However, too little and too much vitamin A can be damaging to the hair, so aim to obtain your vitamin A from your diet by including animal products as well as orange/yellow-coloured vegetables which are high in beta-carotene (converted to vitamin A by the body) – good examples include carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C aids the absorption of iron, so if your hair condition is caused by low iron levels, including foods high in vitamin C and iron is a useful strategy. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant so is used readily throughout the body. It stimulates hair follicle growth and is important for collagen synthesis. Lastly, it helps in the production of collagen which strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts.

The best sources are blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes.

Top 10 healthiest sources of vitamin C

Vitamin D

Sometimes, the immune system may attack the hair follicle, causing the loss known as alopecia, low levels of vitamin D (known as the sunshine vitamin) may be relevant and taking supplements could be helpful. Vitamin D is also thought to be involved in premature hair greying.

Because many of us are low in this vitamin, the UK government recommends all adults supplement with 10mcg vitamin D daily from October to April.

Vitamin E

Topical use of vitamin E oil may delay the signs of hair aging, moisturise the hair shaft and improve blood flow to the scalp. Although evidence remains mixed, some studies suggest supplementation with vitamin E may be effective for those with alopecia (hair loss), this is because it appears to play a protective antioxidant role in the scalp.

The sun can damage our hair in a similar way to how it affects our skin so ensure you eat foods rich in vitamin E to provide protection. Nuts are nutritional powerhouses and a useful source of selenium which works with vitamin E so try to include them as part of a varied, balanced diet.


Biotin is a member of the B group of vitamins, having a biotin deficiency can be genetic or acquired from a poor diet. Too little biotin, potentially as a result of an underlying illness, may cause brittle hair and lead to hair loss. Aim to include biotin-rich foods such as wholegrains, liver, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast - to date there is little limited research to support its supplementation for hair loss.

A note on alopecia areata (AA)...

This condition can result in total loss of hair from the head and sometimes loss of body hair also, although most sufferers develop a few isolated patches of hair loss, which may correct themselves without any treatment. Since the cause is unknown, treatment is hard. Talk to your GP if you are concerned about hair loss.

Recipes for healthy hair

An overall balanced diet is necessary for a healthy scalp and healthy hair. Try out some of the following tasty recipes to support your locks.

Legumes like kidney beans and lentils are sources of protein, iron, biotin and zinc:
Jerk chicken curry with beans
Pepper lime salmon with black-eyed beans
Basic lentils
Spinach, sweet potato & lentil dhal

Nuts are rich in zinc and selenium:
Spiced cauliflower with chickpeas, herbs & pine nuts
Baked aubergine stuffed with roast pumpkin, feta & walnuts with minted courgettes
Fig & walnut slice
Tropical treat

Beef is a brilliant source of protein and iron:
Chilli beef shepherd's pie
Thai beef stir-fry

Don't forget orange vegetables and dark leafy greens!
Pumpkin & parsnip cassoulet
Stir-fried curly kale with chilli & garlic
Orange, carrot & mint soup
Sweet potato & chicken curry

Boost your omega-3 with these fishy favourites:
Spicy salmon & lentils
Griddled tuna with bean & tomato salad
Warm mackerel & beetroot salad
Smoked mackerel, orange & couscous salad
Sardines with chickpeas, lemon & parsley

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This article was reviewed on 10th May 2024 by Kerry Torrens.

Jo Lewin is a registered nutritionist (RNutr) with the Association for Nutrition with a specialism in public health. Follow her on Twitter @nutri_jo.


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