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Tracey Randell

Registered Nutritionist

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Tracey is one of the select group of IFM accredited functional medicine practitioners in the UK. Her focus as registered nutritionist is treating gut health issues. Tracey specialises in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Her interest in these gut disorders resulted from suffering IBS herself. She also witnessed first-hand her Mum’s debilitating ulcerative colitis and resolved to find natural solutions to alleviate the condition. Personalised health programmes are part of an approach that focuses on the individual and addresses the issues behind symptoms. Key to each programme is enjoying healthy (and delicious) foods. A keen educator Tracey lectures at the nutrition college where she trained. Subjects include: IBS, Celiac Disease, the gut-brain axis, food intolerances and meal planning. Also Tracey offers post graduate training to other health care professionals. Here again her focus is on IBS and SIBO with her own “SIBO & Beyond” mentoring programme. Tracey is an enthusiastic runner. Having discovered the joy of running in her late 30’s her goal this year is to run her first half marathon.

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